Measely Day Trip Piece of Pie for Seasoned Road Warriors

I have to say, since Molly came to visit in the beginning of the summer, I have been appreciating Arizona's landscape a lot more. I almost backtracked and put "bone dry, bland, and unforgiving landscape" but stopped because this post is about the opposite of that. See green, cloudy, …

yada yada

Life as Kathy minus an actual life. Ha. I do miss doing the crossword on the bus with ChrisPlikeBacon.
Not pictured: Season 1 of Grey's Anatomy.

NOthing Like new orleAns

I think it's safe to say that New Orleans was my favorite part of our trip, the week in Florida aside. The buildings, the streets, the stores, the food. My god.  The food. I actually do think I truly really did gain 5 pounds in those two days alone. Totally worth it. Mother's, Deanie's…

where the sky meets the sea

Californiiiaaa. Oh how I love that Lauren lives with her sis and brudder in law in a gorgeous house in a beautiful neighborhood 30 minutes from the beaches of Laguna and that they luuuhv visitors. I mean, the neighborhood's name is Rancho Santa Margarita. Come on, people.
I left for California…