
It's been good, ya know?

Dare I say things may be actually together in my life right now? Perhaps not, lest I jinx it.
Things are very not good bad unenjoyable opposite of happy.

later gater

WOW Can't believe how much I'm slacking/that I haven't shared these yet.   From way, waaay back. Like, September's first weekend. What.

| weekend in review |

Kicking the weekend off right with:  Moonlight Movies-Grease and Remember the Titans. Lots of popcorn. Lots of candy. Lots of snuggling for warmth because it's actually been chilly here.

Much thrifting at Arizona Trading Co. I think I have a spiritual connection to ATC because of the AZ. Whate…

greetings n salutations

*******It's been a week since I wrote this post.  What does that tell you people****
I'm sitting here at the security desk trying to stay awake.   I've already watched two movies. So I figured writing this long-overdue post was as good idea as any. Hey. Long time no see. Except it hasn…